Why Be a Scholar?
We believe programming and financial support enhances the success of promising students on their academic journey to graduation.
Read what Scholars have to say about their experience!

Financial Assistance
Cal Poly Scholars receive a scholarship that is automatically renewed on an annual basis during their time as an undergraduate student. Scholarship renewal is dependent on academic standing/status, completion of program agreements, and compliance with University conduct standards.

Personal Support Network
As a result of participating in the Scholars program, Scholars will be able to identify, select, and access personally relevant campus resources and develop a personal support network.
Specific departments the program collaborates with to support Scholar success include:
- All academic colleges and advising centers
- Basic Needs Initiative
- Career Services
- Disability Resource Center
- Educational Opportunity Program
- Mustang Success Center
- Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships
- Transfer Center
- TRIO Achievers
- University Housing
- University Retention
Examples of the support network in action include:
- College Connections – These college-specific events bring together Scholars, staff, faculty, and administrators from their respective college to get to know one another as well as opportunities within the college.
- Proactive Advising – Working closely with the Mustang Success Center, proactive and intentional academic advising is provided to all Year 1 & Year 2 Scholars and continued college-specific advising is offered and encouraged by the college advising centers for all Transfer Scholars and Year 3+ Scholars.
- Peer to Peer Connections – Whether you are a Year 1 Scholars or a New Transfer Scholar you have the opportunity to connect with other scholars through intentional and supportive peer to peer relationships. Scholar Mentors for Year 1 Scholars and Academic Coaches for New Transfer Scholars are available to help you navigate Cal Poly and be your biggest supporter!

Inclusive Community of Scholars
As a result of participating in the Scholars program, Scholars will be able to develop a sense of belonging as member of a community of Scholars.
This is accomplished through several components including:
- Residential Learning Communities - The Cal Poly Scholars Year 1 and Year 2+ residential learning communities foster inclusive spaces where Scholars can socialize, learn, and feel at home. Educational, academic, and cultural events are offered throughout the communities with the support of student-led residential councils, Coordinators of Student Development (CSDs), Residential Advisors (RAs), faculty-in-residence, and professional staff.
- Social Gatherings - Whether you enjoy bowling, playing board games, or conversing over a cup of hot tea, meet others like you at events that encourage interaction and taking a break from the rigors of classwork.

Knowledge and Skills for Lifelong Success
As a result of participating in the Scholars program, Scholars will develop knowledge, skills, and competencies for lifelong personal and professional success.
Several ways continued development is encouraged are:
- Career Development Workshops - Working closely with Career Services and other profession-focused partners, several career-based workshops are offered throughout the year. Some highlights have been Interview with Confidence, Establishing Your Professional Brand, What Are Your Transferable Skills? and a panel of Scholars providing tips at How I Landed My Internship.
- Life Skills Workshops - Through collaborations with multiple offices, workshops such as Leading with Your Values, Exploring Identity & Allyship, and Financial Planning 101 are examples of workshops that encourage Scholars to reflect and take meaningful action.

How do I become a Scholar?
Students are automatically considered for the Cal Poly Scholars program when they apply for financial aid by filing a FAFSA or a California Dream Application. Scholars are selected at the discretion of the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships. There is no additional application to be completed.